M'Comie John
M'Craw Lieutenant
M'Donald Colonel
M'Intyre Lieutenant
M'Intyre Lieutenant A. S.
M'Intyre Lieutenant John
M'Kay Corporal John
M'Kenzie Captain Duncan (then Paymaster M'Kenzie)
M'Kenzie paymasterMajor in 25 February 1808; retired March 1809.
M'Kenzie Captain John
M'Kenzie Colin 'brother'
M'Kenzie Lieutenant Augustus
M'Kenzie Lieutenant C.
M'Kenzie Lieutenant Lewis
M'Kenzie Major ?
Major Duncan McKenzie
Major in 25 February 1808; retired March 1809.
Major Maxwell McKenzie
Served in Peninsula with 1/71st Foot August 1808 to January 1809; served at Walcheren 1809; again in Peninsula May 1811 to December 1813; Major in 71st Foot 4 June 1813; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel 21 June 1813; killed in action at Nive December 1813;
M'Kenzie Captain (M'Kenzie's) servant was a married man, and his wife a beautiful Irish girl.
M'Laggan Sergeant
M'Mahon son of Doctor , of Omaghrin s.g.(Omagh?) (William's cousin)
Macdonald Lieutenant
Mackenzie Lieutenant-Colonel
Maunsell Captain
McCraw Lieutenant (71st)
Mitchell Lieutenant
Moffat Lieutenant
Monet General
Moore Sir John
Moorhead Lieutenant
Murray Ensign
Murray Lieutenant Thomas