Read Captain
Reynal Colonel
Reynall Major (now Sir Thomas, Major General)
Reynell Colonel
Reynell Lieutenant-Colonel
Lt Col Thomas Reynell, C.B.
Born New York 1777; served in Flanders 1793 to 1794; served in West Indies 1796 to 1799; served at Helder 1799; served in Egypt 1801; served in India 1804 to 1808; Major in 40th Foot 18 August 1804; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel 10 March 1805; Major in 96th Foot 7 May 1808; Major in 71st Foot 22 September 1808; served in Peninsula on staff January 1809 to April 1811; Military Secretary to Wellington January to May 1809; Assistant Adjutant-General 4th Division October 1810 to February 1811; Assistant Adjutant-General Portuguese Army March to April 1811; brevet Colonel 4 June 1813; Lieutenant-Colonel 5 August 1813; commanded 1/71st Foot at Waterloo; subsequently Major-General 12 August 1819; served in India 1821 to 1826; Lieutenant-General 10 January 1837; died 1848.
Richards Captain
Richards Lieutenant
Richards Lieutenant Loftus
Robert Murray , the paymaster's servant
Romana Marquis de la
Rottenburg Baron de